Daily Discipline

Posted January 30th, 2012 in Design, Personal by Victor Tang

“It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop”

The best way for discipline is to understand yourself first. Here is another poster design i made for my office to fill in one of many frames i bought on boxing day. I will use this poster to remind me of the things i need to accomplish on a daily basis!

Be the Motivation that Makes Others want to Motivate

Posted November 24th, 2011 in Design, Inspiration, Personal by Victor Tang

I have been pretty busy with work lately so i know i haven’t posted anything for a while.  I do have a couple things i will be posting in the next few weeks including several projects that i have been working on.  I just want to showcase this poster design i made for my office at home.  It’s something to motivate me and hopefully keep me away from slacking.  It’s good to always have something that you will always come across to remind yourself what your goals are.  As a designer, i like to create my own pieces and hang them up because that way it means a lot more to me. This one is a grunge style typography design.  Hope you like it!

Motivation - Typography - Poster Design


Fantastic Photo Manipulation Art

Posted August 10th, 2011 in Design, Inspiration by Victor Tang

Photo manipulation is by far one of the coolest things you could do with image editing programs like Adobe Photoshop.  Creating stunning surreal pieces is the best way of practicing both your creativity and technical skills at the same time.

I am always inspired by awesome photo manipulation art as it itches me to create some of my own.  Below are some really cool examples of photo manipulation art by awesome designers who inspired me.

Start placing your dreams onto the canvas!

Fantastic Examples of Photo Manipulation

Underwater-world Continue Reading »

30 Awesome Game Website Design for Inspiration

Posted August 2nd, 2011 in Design, Inspiration by Victor Tang

Don’t we wish we could all play games for a living? I sure would love to, however the closest thing i can do is design their websites! Don’t get me wrong it’s just as enjoyable.

Designing websites for online games has been a constant part of my design life and searching for inspiration is always endless. Here are my collection of 30 carefully selected fantastic websites that more or less inspired me. You can also view my portfolio for my designs of game websites.

1. Empire of Sports

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Showcase of Recent T-shirt Designs

Posted July 26th, 2011 in Design, Personal by Victor Tang

Finally a chance to upload some pictures of my recent t-shirt designs.  These designs are only some of the most recent projects i have been working on.  These designs are high quality t-shirts with special decoration techniques.  For example, the use of foil, high density imprints, embroidery over imprint, and metalic imprints. These are corporate t-shirts for building trades, constructions and union since this is what i have been mainly doing for the past month. I’m pretty happy that most of them turned out the way i visioned it to be!  Feel free to comment on them. :)

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Caesary Online

Posted May 30th, 2011 in Design, Portfolio, Web & UI Design by Victor Tang

Company: Suba Games
Project: Full Website Design – UI/UX Design
Website: caesary.subagames.com

Caesary is based on the history of the Roman Empire, the post-Republican phase of the ancient Roman civilization, characterized by an autocratic form of government and large territorial holdings in Europe and around the Mediterranean. The term is used to describe the Roman state during and after the time of the first emperor, Augustus.  This website took an approach of an ancient roman building in its city.

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Attending 2 out of 3 Days of FITC 2011

Posted May 6th, 2011 in Design, Personal by Victor Tang

To tell you the truth, i expected way more this year.  Having it at the Guvernment Nightclub wasn’t actually the best idea.   The rooms were in weird sizes, the set up and design didnt give me that spark, the lighting was just terrible in some rooms and not to mention you can hear cars and trucks with a huge buzzing sound during some presentation.  It wasn’t as “big” as i expected it to be.   However, the presentations i listened to were pretty awesome.
Gmunk revealed the visual effect implementation of the movie Tron, Mcbess absolutely inspired us with his gorgeous work, Jason theodor’s talk on creativity, Robert L. Peters presentation on Cause and Effect and lots more!  I wasn’t able to attend the first day of the conference so sadly i missed out on that.
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Toronto FITC Event

Posted April 29th, 2011 in Design, Personal by Victor Tang

I will be attending the FITC Event this year at the guvernment located in Toronto.  I’m pretty excited and i got my company to let me go with paid work days.  I’ll need to give back and a presentation on what i learned and how it can help the company but its all good.  For those who dont know what FITC is, Its a three day series of presentations, demonstrations, panel discussions, and award shows.   This design and technology event will definately inspire and motivate me in both creative and technical sides. Flash Designers, Flash Developers, Motion Graphic Artists, Digital Artists from all many places will be attending this event.  Hopefully i’ll meet a bunch of new people and discover their approach on design.  So give me a shout if your going!


Check out the video:

FITC Toronto 2010 Highlight Reel from FITC on Vimeo.